AUTHOR=Sun Haibo , Zhu Feng , Li Yangyang , Zhao Pengfei , Kong Yanzi , Wang Jianyu , Wan Yingcai , Fu Shuangfei TITLE=Viewpoint planning with transition management for active object recognition JOURNAL=Frontiers in Neurorobotics VOLUME=17 YEAR=2023 URL= DOI=10.3389/fnbot.2023.1093132 ISSN=1662-5218 ABSTRACT=
Active object recognition (AOR) provides a paradigm where an agent can capture additional evidence by purposefully changing its viewpoint to improve the quality of recognition. One of the most concerned problems in AOR is viewpoint planning (VP) which refers to developing a policy to determine the next viewpoints of the agent. A research trend is to solve the VP problem with reinforcement learning, namely to use the viewpoint transitions explored by the agent to train the VP policy. However, most research discards the trained transitions, which may lead to an inefficient use of the explored transitions. To solve this challenge, we present a novel VP method with transition management based on reinforcement learning, which can reuse the explored viewpoint transitions. To be specific, a learning framework of the VP policy is first established