AUTHOR=Yue Longfei , Yang Rennong , Zhang Ying , Zuo Jialiang TITLE=Research on reinforcement learning-based safe decision-making methodology for multiple unmanned aerial vehicles JOURNAL=Frontiers in Neurorobotics VOLUME=16 YEAR=2023 URL= DOI=10.3389/fnbot.2022.1105480 ISSN=1662-5218 ABSTRACT=
A system with multiple cooperating unmanned aerial vehicles (multi-UAVs) can use its advantages to accomplish complicated tasks. Recent developments in deep reinforcement learning (DRL) offer good prospects for decision-making for multi-UAV systems. However, the safety and training efficiencies of DRL still need to be improved before practical use. This study presents a transfer-safe soft actor-critic (TSSAC) for multi-UAV decision-making. Decision-making by each UAV is modeled with a constrained Markov decision process (CMDP), in which safety is constrained to maximize the return. The soft actor-critic-Lagrangian (SAC-Lagrangian) algorithm is combined with a modified Lagrangian multiplier in the CMDP model. Moreover, parameter-based transfer learning is used to enable cooperative and efficient training of the tasks to the multi-UAVs. Simulation experiments indicate that the proposed method can improve the safety and training efficiencies and allow the UAVs to adapt to a dynamic scenario.