Improving the robustness of myoelectric control to work over many months without the need for recalibration could reduce prosthesis abandonment. Current approaches rely on
Active learning and linear discriminate analysis methods were used to create an iterative learning process, to modify decision boundaries based on changes in the data. We simulated a real-time scenario. We exploited least confidence, smallest margin and entropy reduction sampling strategies in single and batch-mode sample selection. Optimal batch-mode sampling was considered using ranked batch-mode active learning.
With only 3.2 min of data carefully selected by the active learner, the decoder outperforms random sampling by 4–5 and ~2% for able-bodied and people with limb difference, respectively. We observed active learning strategies to systematically and significantly enhance the decoders adaptation while optimizing the amount of training data on a class-specific basis. Smallest margin and least confidence uncertainty were shown to be the most supreme.
We introduce for the first time active learning framework for long term adaptation in myoelectric control. This study simulates closed-loop environment in an offline manner and proposes a pipeline for future real-time deployment.