To determine the optimal montage and vocalization conditions for high-gamma language mapping using stereoelectroencephalography.
We studied 12 epilepsy patients who underwent invasive monitoring with depth electrodes and measurement of auditory-naming related high-gamma modulations. We determined the effects of electrode montage and vocalization conditions of the response on the high-gamma (60–140 Hz) amplitudes.
Compared to common average reference montage, bipolar and Laplacian montages effectively reduced the degree of auditory naming-related signal deflections in the white matter during the stimulus and response phases (mixed model estimate: −21.2 to −85.4%;
On depth electrode recording, bipolar and Laplacian montages are suitable for measuring auditory naming-related high-gamma modulations in gray matter. The covert response may highlight the gray matter activity.
This study helps establish the practical guidelines for high-gamma language mapping using stereoelectroencephalography.