Bell’s palsy is an acute peripheral facial neuropathy, which is one of the most common causes of facial palsy of lower motor neurons. Facial nerve swelling is commonly observed in Bell’s palsy. Acupuncture therapy has been widely used in the treatment of Bell’s palsy. However, whether acupuncture can be effectively used in the acute stage is still controversial. There are no clinical trials conducted previously to evaluate the effect of acupuncture on facial nerve edema in Bell’s palsy patients. The study aims to evaluate the potential efficacy of different acupuncture modalities on Bell’s palsy patients in the acute phase, its effect on facial nerve edema, and to preliminarily explore its possible mechanism.
In this randomized, controlled trial, 165 Bell’s palsy patients with unilateral onset within 3 days will be recruited and randomly assigned to either the electroacupuncture group (
The trial will evaluate the efficacy and facial nerve edema of acupuncture for Bell’s palsy patients in the acute phase and preliminarily explore its possible mechanism. The results thus may provide evidence for clinical application.