Many endolymphatic hydrops (EH) MRI studies in the literature do not include a normal control group. Consequently, it remains unclear which outcome measure in EH MRI can most effectively distinguish between MD patients and normal controls.
Gadolinium-enhanced EH imaging was performed to quantitatively evaluate the extents of hydrops in MD patients and age−/sex-matched normal controls. Four hours after intravenous injection of contrast agent, MRI was performed using a 3-T MR platform fitted with a 32-channel phased-array coil receptor. MR images (10–15 slices) covering an inner ear were 3D-stacked. Analyses of all images that included the vestibule or the cochlea yielded the volumes (in μL) of the endolymphatic and perilymphatic spaces.
For the vestibule, they were significantly greater EH% in ipsilateral (52.4 ± 12.5) than in contralateral MD ears (40.4 ± 8.5,
Compared to conventional semiquantitative grading or quantitative EH% analysis, EH asymmetry may better distinguish MD patients from normal controls. Quantitative hydrops volumetric analysis yields clinically relevant information on inner ear function.