The pathogenesis of concomitant continuous pain remains unclear and is worthy of further study. In this clinical study, we aimed to explore the potential role of a narrow foramen ovale in the development of concomitant continuous pain.
A total of 108 patients with classical trigeminal neuralgia affecting the third branch of the trigeminal nerve and 46 healthy individuals were enrolled in this study. Three-dimensional reconstructed computerized tomography images of all participants were collected, and the morphometric features of the foramen ovale were examined by two investigators who were blinded to the clinical data of the patients.
In this cohort, patients with concomitant continuous pain suffered from more sensory abnormalities (18.4% vs. 2.9%,
This neuroimaging and clinical study demonstrated that the development of concomitant continuous pain was caused by the compression of the trigeminal nerve owing to a narrow foramen ovale rather than responsible vessels in classical trigeminal neuralgia.