AUTHOR=Fenik Victor B. TITLE=Contribution of Neurochemical Inputs to the Decrease of Motoneuron Excitability During Non-REM and REM Sleep: A Systematic Review JOURNAL=Frontiers in Neurology VOLUME=9 YEAR=2018 URL= DOI=10.3389/fneur.2018.00629 ISSN=1664-2295 ABSTRACT=
The sleep-related depression of excitability of upper airway motoneurons is a major neurological cause of obstructive sleep apnea whereas a disruption in the inhibition of spinal motoneurons during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep causes the REM sleep behavioral disorder. The large amount of experimental data has been obtained that deal with neurochemical mechanisms that are responsible for sleep-related depression of various motoneuron groups. However, there is a disagreement regarding the outcome of these studies primarily due to the use of different animal models and approaches, as well as due to differences in quantification and interpretation of obtained results. In this study, we sought to apply the same calculation methodology in order to uniformly quantify and compare the relative contribution of excitatory or inhibitory inputs to the decrease of excitability of different motoneuronal pools during REM and/or non-REM sleep. We analyzed only published quantitative data that were obtained by using receptor antagonists or chemogenetic approach to block receptors or silence neuronal populations. The outcomes of this analysis highlight the differences in the neurotransmitter mechanisms of sleep-related motoneuron depression between different motoneuronal pools and demonstrate the consistency of these mechanisms for hypoglossal motoneurons among various animal models.