AUTHOR=Tarnutzer Alexander A., Palla Antonella , Marti Sarah , Schuknecht Bernhard , Straumann Dominik TITLE=Hypertrophy of the Inferior Olivary Nucleus Impacts Perception of Gravity JOURNAL=Frontiers in Neurology VOLUME=3 YEAR=2012 URL= DOI=10.3389/fneur.2012.00079 ISSN=1664-2295 ABSTRACT=
Interruption of the dentato-olivary projections, interconnecting the dentate nucleus (DN) and the contralateral inferior olivary nucleus (ION), is predicted to interfere with the DN’ role in estimating direction of gravity. In a patient with pendular nystagmus due to hypertrophy of the ION secondary to predominantly right-sided ponto-mesencephalic hemorrhage, perceived vertical shifted from clockwise to counter-clockwise deviations within 4 months. We hypothesize that synchronized oscillations of ION neurons induce a loss of inhibitory control, leading to hyperactivity of the contralateral DN and, as a result, to perceived vertical roll–tilt to the side of the over-active DN.