AUTHOR=Marín Milagros , Cruz Nicolás C. , Ortigosa Eva M. , Sáez-Lara María J. , Garrido Jesús A. , Carrillo Richard R. TITLE=On the Use of a Multimodal Optimizer for Fitting Neuron Models. Application to the Cerebellar Granule Cell JOURNAL=Frontiers in Neuroinformatics VOLUME=15 YEAR=2021 URL= DOI=10.3389/fninf.2021.663797 ISSN=1662-5196 ABSTRACT=
This article extends a recent methodological workflow for creating realistic and computationally efficient neuron models whilst capturing essential aspects of single-neuron dynamics. We overcome the intrinsic limitations of the extant optimization methods by proposing an alternative optimization component based on multimodal algorithms. This approach can natively explore a diverse population of neuron model configurations. In contrast to methods that focus on a single global optimum, the multimodal method allows directly obtaining a set of promising solutions for a single but complex multi-feature objective function. The final sparse population of candidate solutions has to be analyzed and evaluated according to the biological plausibility and their objective to the target features by the expert. In order to illustrate the value of this approach, we base our proposal on the optimization of cerebellar granule cell (GrC) models that replicate the essential properties of the biological cell. Our results show the emerging variability of plausible sets of values that this type of neuron can adopt underlying complex spiking characteristics. Also, the set of selected cerebellar GrC models captured spiking dynamics closer to the reference model than the single model obtained with off-the-shelf parameter optimization algorithms used in our previous article. The method hereby proposed represents a valuable strategy for adjusting a varied population of realistic and simplified neuron models. It can be applied to other kinds of neuron models and biological contexts.