AUTHOR=Tustison Nicholas J., Avants Brian TITLE=Explicit B-spline regularization in diffeomorphic image registration JOURNAL=Frontiers in Neuroinformatics VOLUME=7 YEAR=2013 URL= DOI=10.3389/fninf.2013.00039 ISSN=1662-5196 ABSTRACT=
Diffeomorphic mappings are central to image registration due largely to their topological properties and success in providing biologically plausible solutions to deformation and morphological estimation problems. Popular diffeomorphic image registration algorithms include those characterized by time-varying and constant velocity fields, and symmetrical considerations. Prior information in the form of regularization is used to enforce transform plausibility taking the form of physics-based constraints or through some approximation thereof, e.g., Gaussian smoothing of the vector fields [a la Thirion's Demons (Thirion,