AUTHOR=Tsukamoto Yoshihiko , Omi Naoko TITLE=OFF bipolar cells in macaque retina: Type-specific connectivity in the outer and inner synaptic layers JOURNAL=Frontiers in Neuroanatomy VOLUME=9 YEAR=2015 URL= DOI=10.3389/fnana.2015.00122 ISSN=1662-5129 ABSTRACT=

OFF bipolar cells in the macaque retina were recently classified into five types: flat midget bipolar (FMB) and diffuse bipolar (DB) 1, 2, 3a, and 3b. We examined all parallel pathways from cone photoreceptors via OFF bipolar cells to parasol and midget ganglion cells by serial section transmission electron microscopy. Basal contacts of OFF bipolar cells to cone pedicles were previously categorized as triad-associated (TA) and non-TA (NTA). The latter was further divided into two groups located in the middle and marginal areas of the pedicle at the present eccentricity of 15°. We then mapped the distributions of all three basal contacts of the five OFF bipolar cell types in the same area of cone pedicles. TA contacts were more numerous than NTA contacts in FMB (93%), DB1 (67%), and DB3a (81%) cells, but less in DB2 (30%) and DB3b (21%) cells. Cluster analysis of these contact parameters reconfirmed five distinct OFF bipolar cell types and showed these positional configurations of basal synapses to be cell type-specific. This architecture is thought to provide a spatial framework for the interstitial diffusion and local uptake of the neurotransmitter (glutamate) that spills over from ribbon synapses. All five OFF bipolar cell types formed ribbon-synaptic contacts to both parasol and midget ganglion cells. DB2 and 3a, DB1 and 3b, and FMB predominantly, moderately, and negligibly contacted parasol ganglion cells, respectively. FMB almost exclusively contacted midget ganglion cells, to which DB1 provided dominant output (58%), and DB2, 3a, and 3b provided between 3% and 10% of their output. Consequently, the cone signal sampling routes of a midget ganglion cell consisted of two substructures: the narrow (mainly 2-3 cones) FMB pathway and the wide (mainly 10 cones) DB pathway, where connection strength was four-fold greater in the FMB than DB pathway. The narrow and strong FMB pathway may confer the highest spatial resolution and sporadically may include blue cone signals.