Incorporation of transversus abdominis plane (TAP) block into multimodal analgesia has been emphasized in Enhanced Recovery protocols (ERPs). However, benefit is limited in clinical practice. A potential explanation is the short duration of analgesia of standard local anesthetics. Herein, this randomized, double-blind, controlled trial evaluated whether TAPB with long-acting compound lidocaine hydrochloride injection reduces postoperative pain.
164 patients undergoing elective gynecological laparotomy under sevoflurane anesthesia randomly received ultrasound-guided TAP block with either saline, or ropivacaine, or compound lidocaine before anesthesia induction. The postoperative pain intensity (primary outcome) was evaluated by pain 11-point numerical rating scale. We also recorded sufentanil consumptions, time to first flatus, side-effects and hospital stay after surgery.
We reported that pain scores at rest at postoperative 3h in group 0.375% ropivacaine was lower than that in group saline [mean 2.4 (SD 1.2)
TAP block with 0.6% compound lidocaine hydrochloride injection attenuates postoperative pain, reduces opioid consumption, accelerates gastrointestinal function recovery, and shortens length of hospital stay in patients after gynecological laparotomy.