AUTHOR=Pannoni Samuel B. , Holben William E.
TITLE=Wildlife fecal microbiota exhibit community stability across a longitudinal semi-controlled non-invasive sampling experiment
JOURNAL=Frontiers in Microbiomes
Wildlife microbiome studies are being used to assess microbial links with animal health and habitat. The gold standard of sampling microbiomes directly from captured animals is ideal for limiting potential abiotic influences on microbiome composition, yet fails to leverage the many benefits of non-invasive sampling. Application of microbiome-based monitoring for rare, endangered, or elusive species creates a need to non-invasively collect scat samples shed into the environment. Since controlling sample age is not always possible, the potential influence of time-associated abiotic factors was assessed. To accomplish this, we analyzed partial 16S rRNA genes of fecal metagenomic DNA sampled non-invasively from Rocky Mountain elk (Cervus canadensis) near Yellowstone National Park. We sampled pellet piles from four different elk, then aged them in a natural forest plot for 1, 3, 7, and 14 days, with triplicate samples at each time point (i.e., a blocked, repeat measures (longitudinal) study design). We compared fecal microbiota of each elk through time with point estimates of diversity, bootstrapped hierarchical clustering of samples, and a version of ANOVA–simultaneous components analysis (ASCA) with PCA (LiMM-PCA) to assess the variance contributions of time, individual and sample replication. Our results showed community stability through days 0, 1, 3 and 7, with a modest but detectable change in abundance in only 2 genera (Bacteroides and Sporobacter) at day 14. The total variance explained by time in our LiMM-PCA model across the entire 2-week period was not statistically significant (p>0.195) and the overall effect size was small (<10% variance) compared to the variance explained by the individual animal (p<0.0005; 21% var.). We conclude that non-invasive sampling of elk scat collected within one week during winter/early spring provides a reliable approach to characterize fecal microbiota composition in a 16S rDNA survey and that sampled individuals can be directly compared across unknown time points with minimal bias. Further, point estimates of microbiota diversity were not mechanistically affected by sample age. Our assessment of samples using bootstrap hierarchical clustering produced clustering by animal (branches) but not by sample age (nodes). These results support greater use of non-invasive microbiome sampling to assess ecological patterns in animal systems.