AUTHOR=Garber Arkadiy I. , Nealson Kenneth H. , Merino Nancy TITLE=Large-scale prediction of outer-membrane multiheme cytochromes uncovers hidden diversity of electroactive bacteria and underlying pathways JOURNAL=Frontiers in Microbiology VOLUME=15 YEAR=2024 URL= DOI=10.3389/fmicb.2024.1448685 ISSN=1664-302X ABSTRACT=

Multi-heme cytochromes (MHCs), together with accessory proteins like porins and periplasmic cytochromes, enable microbes to transport electrons between the cytoplasmic membrane and extracellular substrates (e.g., minerals, electrodes, other cells). Extracellular electron transfer (EET) has been described in multiple systems; yet, the broad phylogenetic and mechanistic diversity of these pathways is less clear. One commonality in EET-capable systems is the involvement of MHCs, in the form of porin-cytochrome complexes, pili-like cytochrome polymers, and lipid-anchored extracellular cytochromes. Here, we put forth MHCscan—a software tool for identifying MHCs and identifying potential EET capability. Using MHCscan, we scanned ~60,000 bacterial and 2,000 archaeal assemblies, and identify a diversity of MHCs, many of which represent enzymes with no known function, and many found within organisms not previously known to be electroactive. In total, our scan identified ~1,400 unique enzymes, each encoding more than 10 heme-binding motifs. In our analysis, we also find evidence for modularity and flexibility in MHC-dependent EET pathways, and suggest that MHCs may be far more common than previously recognized, with many facets yet to be discovered. We present MHCscan as a lightweight and user-friendly software tool that is freely available: