Suppression of the SOS response in combination with drugs damaging DNA has been proposed as a potential target to tackle antimicrobial resistance. The SOS response is the pathway used to repair bacterial DNA damage induced by antimicrobials such as quinolones. The extent of
Five clinical isolates of
The proteins with the lowest expression levels were: RecA (as control), AphA, CysP, DinG, DinI, GarL, PriS, PsuG, PsuK, RpsQ, UgpB and YebG; those with the highest expression levels were: Hpf, IbpB, TufB and RpmH. Most of these expression alterations were strain-dependent and involved DNA repair processes and nucleotide, protein and carbohydrate metabolism, and transport. In isolates with suppressed SOS response, the number of underexpressed proteins was higher than overexpressed proteins.
High genomic and proteomic variability was observed among clinical isolates and was not associated with a specific resistant phenotype. This study provides an interesting approach to identify new potential targets to combat antimicrobial resistance.