AUTHOR=Yang Zinuo , Wang Lei , Zhang Xiangrui , Zeng Bin , Zhang Zhen , Liu Xin TITLE=LCASPMDA: a computational model for predicting potential microbe-drug associations based on learnable graph convolutional attention networks and self-paced iterative sampling ensemble JOURNAL=Frontiers in Microbiology VOLUME=15 YEAR=2024 URL= DOI=10.3389/fmicb.2024.1366272 ISSN=1664-302X ABSTRACT=Introduction

Numerous studies show that microbes in the human body are very closely linked to the human host and can affect the human host by modulating the efficacy and toxicity of drugs. However, discovering potential microbe-drug associations through traditional wet labs is expensive and time-consuming, hence, it is important and necessary to develop effective computational models to detect possible microbe-drug associations.


In this manuscript, we proposed a new prediction model named LCASPMDA by combining the learnable graph convolutional attention network and the self-paced iterative sampling ensemble strategy to infer latent microbe-drug associations. In LCASPMDA, we first constructed a heterogeneous network based on newly downloaded known microbe-drug associations. Then, we adopted the learnable graph convolutional attention network to learn the hidden features of nodes in the heterogeneous network. After that, we utilized the self-paced iterative sampling ensemble strategy to select the most informative negative samples to train the Multi-Layer Perceptron classifier and put the newly-extracted hidden features into the trained MLP classifier to infer possible microbe-drug associations.

Results and discussion

Intensive experimental results on two different public databases including the MDAD and the aBiofilm showed that LCASPMDA could achieve better performance than state-of-the-art baseline methods in microbe-drug association prediction.