The microbiota of bulk tank raw milk is known to be closely related to that of microbial niches of the on-farm environment. Preserved forage types are partof this ecosystem and previous studies have shown variations in their microbial ecology. However, little is known of the microbiota of forage ration combinations and the transfer rates of associated species to milk.
We identified raw milk bacteria that may originate from forage rations encompassing either hay (H) or grass/legume silage uninoculated (GL) as the only forage type, or a combination of GL and corn silage uninoculated (GLC), or grass/legume and corn silage both inoculated (GLICI). Forage and milk samples collected in the fall and spring from 24 dairy farms were analyzed using 16S rRNA gene high-throughput sequencing following a treatment with propidium monoazide to account for viable cells.
Three community types separating H, GL, and GLICI forage were identified. While the H community was co-dominated by