AUTHOR=Zhang Jiahong , Wang Zhuo , Wang Hsin-Yao , Chung Chia-Ru , Horng Jorng-Tzong , Lu Jang-Jih , Lee Tzong-Yi
TITLE=Rapid Antibiotic Resistance Serial Prediction in Staphylococcus aureus Based on Large-Scale MALDI-TOF Data by Applying XGBoost in Multi-Label Learning
JOURNAL=Frontiers in Microbiology
Multidrug resistance has become a phenotype that commonly exists among Staphylococcus aureus and is a serious concern for infection treatment. Nowadays, to detect the antibiotic susceptibility, antibiotic testing is generated based on the level of genomic for cure decision consuming huge of time and labor, while matrix-assisted laser desorption-ionization (MALDI) time-of-flight mass spectrometry (TOF/MS) shows its possibility in high-speed and effective detection on the level of proteomic. In this study, on the basis of MALDI-TOF spectra data of discovery cohort with 26,852 samples and replication cohort with 4,963 samples from Taiwan area and their corresponding susceptibilities to oxacillin and clindamycin, a multi-label prediction model against double resistance using Lowest Power set ensemble with XGBoost is constructed for rapid susceptibility prediction. With the output of serial susceptibility prediction, the model performance can realize 77% of accuracy for the serial prediction, the area under the receiver characteristic curve of 0.93 for oxacillin susceptibility prediction, and the area under the receiver characteristic curve of 0.89 for clindamycin susceptibility prediction. The generated multi-label prediction model provides serial antibiotic resistance, such as the susceptibilities of oxacillin and clindamycin in this study, for S. aureus-infected patients based on MALDI-TOF, which will provide guidance in antibiotic usage during the treatment taking the advantage of speed and efficiency.