AUTHOR=Stock Willem , Vanelslander Bart , RĂ¼diger Franziska , Sabbe Koen , Vyverman Wim , Karsten Ulf
TITLE=Thermal Niche Differentiation in the Benthic Diatom Cylindrotheca closterium (Bacillariophyceae) Complex
JOURNAL=Frontiers in Microbiology
Coastal waters are expected to undergo severe warming in the coming decades. Very little is known about how diatoms, the dominant primary producers in these habitats, will cope with these changes. We investigated the thermal niche of Cylindrotheca closterium, a widespread benthic marine diatom, using 24 strains collected over a wide latitudinal gradient. A multi-marker phylogeny in combination with a species delimitation approach shows that C. closterium represents a (pseudo)cryptic species complex, and this is reflected in distinct growth response patterns in terms of optimum growth temperature, maximum growth rate, and thermal niche width. Strains from the same clade displayed a similar thermal response, suggesting niche conservation between closely related strains. Due to their lower maximum growth rate and smaller thermal niche width, we expect the polar species to be particularly sensitive to warming, and, in the absence of adaptation, to be replaced with species from lower latitudes.