AUTHOR=He Maoqiu , Cai Lanlan , Zhang Chuanlun , Jiao Nianzhi , Zhang Rui TITLE=Phylogenetic Diversity of T4-Type Phages in Sediments from the Subtropical Pearl River Estuary JOURNAL=Frontiers in Microbiology VOLUME=8 YEAR=2017 URL= DOI=10.3389/fmicb.2017.00897 ISSN=1664-302X ABSTRACT=
Viruses are an abundant and active component of marine sediments and play a significant role in microbial ecology and biogeochemical cycling at local and global scales. To obtain a better understanding of the ecological characteristics of the viriobenthos, the abundance and morphology of viruses and the diversity and community structure of T4-type phages were systematically investigated in the surface sediments of the subtropical Pearl River Estuary (PRE). Viral abundances ranged from 4.49 × 108 to 11.7 × 108 viruses/g and prokaryotic abundances ranged from 2.63 × 108 to 9.55 × 108 cells/g, and both decreased from freshwater to saltwater. Diverse viral morphotypes, including tailed, spherical, filamentous, and rod-shaped viruses, were observed using transmission electron microscopy. Analysis of the major capsid gene (