AUTHOR=Martínez Isidoro , Oliveros Juan C. , Cuesta Isabel , de la Barrera Jorge , Ausina Vicente , Casals Cristina , de Lorenzo Alba , García Ernesto , García-Fojeda Belén , Garmendia Junkal , González-Nicolau Mar , Lacoma Alicia , Menéndez Margarita , Moranta David , Nieto Amelia , Ortín Juan , Pérez-González Alicia , Prat Cristina , Ramos-Sevillano Elisa , Regueiro Verónica , Rodriguez-Frandsen Ariel , Solís Dolores , Yuste José , Bengoechea José A. , Melero José A. TITLE=Apoptosis, Toll-like, RIG-I-like and NOD-like Receptors Are Pathways Jointly Induced by Diverse Respiratory Bacterial and Viral Pathogens JOURNAL=Frontiers in Microbiology VOLUME=8 YEAR=2017 URL= DOI=10.3389/fmicb.2017.00276 ISSN=1664-302X ABSTRACT=

Lower respiratory tract infections are among the top five leading causes of human death. Fighting these infections is therefore a world health priority. Searching for induced alterations in host gene expression shared by several relevant respiratory pathogens represents an alternative to identify new targets for wide-range host-oriented therapeutics. With this aim, alveolar macrophages were independently infected with three unrelated bacterial (Streptococcus pneumoniae, Klebsiella pneumoniae, and Staphylococcus aureus) and two dissimilar viral (respiratory syncytial virus and influenza A virus) respiratory pathogens, all of them highly relevant for human health. Cells were also activated with bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) as a prototypical pathogen-associated molecular pattern. Patterns of differentially expressed cellular genes shared by the indicated pathogens were searched by microarray analysis. Most of the commonly up-regulated host genes were related to the innate immune response and/or apoptosis, with Toll-like, RIG-I-like and NOD-like receptors among the top 10 signaling pathways with over-expressed genes. These results identify new potential broad-spectrum targets to fight the important human infections caused by the bacteria and viruses studied here.