Border areas are important sites for disseminating
A hospital-based cross-sectional study was conducted from February to August 2021 among 314 PTB presumptive patients. Xpert MTB/RIF and line probe assays (LPA) were used to process sputum samples. Data were imported into the Epi-Data 3.1 program and exported to Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20.0 (SPSS, Chicago, IL, United States) to conduct the analysis. A logistic regression analysis was used to investigate the relationship between the dependent and independent variables. A value of
Of the total (314) PTB presumptive patients who participated in this study, 178 (56.69%) were men, and 165 (52.5%) were from 25 to 50 years of age with a median age of 35.00 (inter-quartile: 25–45 years). Among all patients, 12.7% had PTB by Gene Xpert and 7/314 (2.23%) were resistant to rifampicin. Among patients enrolled, 4/314 (1.27%) had MDR-MTB (resistant to RIF and INH) by LPA. Regarding the risk factors assessed, primary level of education, sputum production, night sweating, respiratory disorder, contact history of TB, history of MDR-MTB infection, history of alcohol use, and cigarette smoking showed statistical significance with the prevalence of PTB (
This study observed a high prevalence of PTB, RR-MTB, and MDR-MTB compared with many other previous studies conducted in Ethiopia. Among the assessed risk factors that could be associated with the prevalence of PTB, eight were statistically significant. This prevalence, resistance, and statistically significant variables are the evidence to which more emphasis should be given to the country’s border areas.