Bacteria derived from the maternal circulation have been suggested to seed the human placenta during development leading to an intrinsic placental microbiome. This concept has become controversial as numerous studies suggest that the apparent placental microbiome is mostly, if not completely, comprised of contaminants. If the maternal circulation seeds the placenta then there should be an increase in abundance and diversity of detectable bacteria with onset of maternal perfusion of the placenta around 10 weeks gestational age; however, if only contaminants are present then there should be no significant evolution of the placental microbiome with increasing gestational age. This pilot study addresses whether bacterial abundance and diversity increase in human placenta and whether there is an associated shift in the immunophenotype of the decidual immune cell complement before and after initiation of placental perfusion.
Human placental and decidual tissue from 5 to 19 weeks gestational age, handled aseptically to minimize contamination, is assessed by quantitative 16S polymerase chain reaction (PCR), 16S gene sequencing, and immunological flow cytometry studies.
A weak positive correlation between placental bacterial abundance and gestational age is identified but is not statistically significant. No significant changes in bacterial diversity are found with increasing gestational age. The proportion of decidual activated memory T helper cells increases with gestational age but no change was observed in other lymphocyte subsets.
This pilot study does not strongly support bacterial colonization of the placenta after initiation of maternal perfusion; however, the minor trends towards increases in bacterial abundance and activated memory T helper cells may represent an early stage of this process. Additional investigations in larger cohorts are warranted.