Obstructive sleep apnea affects a consistent percentage of the population, and only a minority of patients have been diagnosed and treated because of a discrepancy between resources available for diagnosis and the epidemiology of a disorder possibly affecting nearly one billion people in the world.
We conducted a study to compare a standard home respiratory monitoring system (Nox T3) with a novel device (Airgo™) consisting of an elastic band and a small recorder, light, comfortable for the patient, and low-cost complete with automatic analysis of the data that produces a screening report indicating the type and severity of sleep respiratory disorder.
We examined 120 patients, reduced to 118 for technical problems. The mean (
Airgo™ is a reliable tool to screen patients with suspected sleep respiratory disorders, well tolerated by the patient based on totally automatic analysis and reporting system, leading to more efficient use of doctor’s and clinician’s time and resources and extending the opportunity to diagnose more possible candidates for treatment.