AUTHOR=Gaidai Oleg , Yan Ping , Xing Yihan TITLE=Prediction of extreme cargo ship panel stresses by using deconvolution JOURNAL=Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering VOLUME=8 YEAR=2022 URL= DOI=10.3389/fmech.2022.992177 ISSN=2297-3079 ABSTRACT=

Extreme value predictions typically originate from certain functional classes of statistical distributions to fit the data and are subsequently extrapolated. This paper describes an alternative method for extrapolation that is based on the intrinsic properties of the data set itself and that does not pre-assume any extrapolation functional class. The proposed novel extrapolation method can be utilized in engineering design. To illustrate this, this study uses two examples to showcase the advantages of the proposed method. The first example used synthetic data from a non-linear Duffing oscillator to illustrate the new method. The second example was an actual container ship sailing between Europe and America and experiencing large deck panel stresses in severe weather. In this example, actual onboard measured data were used in the present study. This example represents a real and physical case that is challenging to model due to the non-stationary and highly non-linear natures of the wave-ship load responses. This is especially so in the case of extreme responses, where the roles of second and higher-order responses tend to be more prominent and have higher contributions. The prediction accuracy of the proposed method was also validated versus the Naess–Gaidai extrapolation method. Finally, this study discusses new methods for generic smoothing of distribution tail irregularities due to underlying scarcity in the data set.