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Front. Mater.
Sec. Structural Materials
Volume 11 - 2024 | doi: 10.3389/fmats.2024.1427230

Autogenous Shrinkage Prediction Models and Microstructure of UHPC with Single or Binary Addition of Expansive Agent and Steel Fibers

Provisionally accepted
Jia-Rui Weng Jia-Rui Weng 1Wen-Cheng Liao Wen-Cheng Liao 2*
  • 1 Fujian Jiangxia University, Fuzhou, China
  • 2 National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan

The final, formatted version of the article will be published soon.

    The low water/binder ratio of ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC) often results in its high autogenous shrinkage. Our study explored the effect of the single or binary addition of CaObased expansive agent (CEA), steel fibers on flowability, compressive strength, flexural strength, microstructure and autogenous shrinkage of UHPC. X-ray diffraction (XRD), thermogravimetric (TG) analysis, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and mercury intrusion porosimetry (MIP) were applied to reveal the effects of CEA and steel fibers on hydration products and microstructure characteristics of UHPC. Experimental results display the autogenous shrinkage of UHPC decreased markedly with single or binary addition of CEA, steel fibers. Relative to the control group, autogenous shrinkage of UHPC with 2.5% dosage of single steel fibers, 6% dosage of single CEA, binary addition of 2.5% steel fibers and 6% CEA decreased 17.8%, 10.9%, and 30.8% at 180d, respectively. Steel fibers could enhance the mechanical performance of UHPC, nevertheless, they would decrease the flowability of UHPC. Meanwhile, the addition of CEA in the UHPC mixture not only maintained mechanical properties and flowability but also decreased the autogenous shrinkage. Diffraction peak intensity and endothermic peak of Ca(OH)2, pore volume of 10-50 nm diminished with the content of CEA, however, that of C-S-H gel and ettringite increased. The prediction accuracy of 9 shrinkage models (FHWA model, Lee model, Yoo model, JSCE model, B4 model, JonassonH model, Eurocode 2 model, CEB model, DilgerW model) are analyzed with RE, 2 new R and autogenous shrinkage of UHPC in this paper.

    Keywords: Shrinkage prediction model, autogenous shrinkage, UHPC, microstructure, Expansive agent

    Received: 03 May 2024; Accepted: 04 Sep 2024.

    Copyright: © 2024 Weng and Liao. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) or licensor are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms.

    * Correspondence: Wen-Cheng Liao, National Taiwan University, Taipei, 10617, Taiwan

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