AUTHOR=Hamad Mahmoud A. , Alamri Hatem R. TITLE=Investigations on Strong-Tuned Magnetocaloric Effect in La0.5Ca0.1Ag0.4MnO3 JOURNAL=Frontiers in Materials VOLUME=9 YEAR=2022 URL= DOI=10.3389/fmats.2022.832703 ISSN=2296-8016 ABSTRACT=

The magnetocaloric effect (MCE) of La0.5Ca0.1Ag0.4MnO3 (LCAMO) is simulated using a phenomenological model (PM). The LCAMO MCE parameters are calculated as the results of simulations for magnetization vs. temperature at different values of external magnetic field (Hext). The temperature range of MCE in LCAMO grew as the variation in Hext increased, eventually covering the room temperature at high Hext values. The MCE of LCAMO is tunable with the variation of Hext, proving that LCAMO is practically more helpful as a magnetocaloric (MC) material for the development of magnetic refrigerators in an extensive temperature range, including room temperature and lower and higher ones. The MCE parameters of LCAMO are practically greater than those of some MC samples in earlier works.