- 1Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA, United States
- 2Idaho National Laboratory, Idaho Falls, ID, United States
- 3Department of Nuclear Engineering, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, United States
In monolithic UMo fuels, the interaction between the Al cladding and large gas bubble volumetric swelling causes both elastic-plastic and creep deformation. In this work, a phase-field model of gas bubble evolution in polycrystalline UMo under elastic-plastic deformation was developed for studying the dynamic interaction between evolving gas bubble/voids and deformation. A crystal plasticity model, which assumes that the plastic strain rate is proportional to resolved shear stresses of dislocation slip systems on their slip planes, was used to describe plastic deformation in polycrystalline UMo. Xe diffusion and gas bubble evolution are driven by the minimization of chemical and deformation energies in the phase-field model, while evolving gas bubble structure was used to update the mechanical properties in the crystal plasticity model. With the developed model, we simulated the effect of gas bubble structures (different volume fractions and internal gas pressures) on stress-strain curves and the effect of local stresses on gas bubble evolution. The results show that 1) the effective Young’s modulus and yield stress decrease with the increase of gas bubble volume fraction; 2) the hardening coefficient increases with the increase of gas bubble volume fraction, especially for gas bubbles with higher internal pressure; and 3) the pressure dependence of Xe thermodynamic and kinetic properties in addition to the local stress state determine gas bubble growth or shrinkage. The simulated results can serve as a guide to improve material property models for macroscale fuel performance modeling.
The measured thickness increase of a UMo fuel meat in monolithic UMo plate-type fuel as a function of the local fission density is shown in Figure 1. The profile of an irradiated UMo fuel plate and gas bubble structures at different fission densities are also shown in Figure 1. Irradiation results in a nonuniform thickness of the UMo fuel meart and large changes in the gas bubble structure with respect to fission density. The interaction between gas bubble volumetric swelling of the UMo fuel meat and the Al cladding in monolithic UMo fuels results in a non-uniform stress field in both the UMo fuel meat and Al cladding, which drives elastic-plastic and/or creep deformation, defect diffusion, and microstructure evolution (Kim et al., 2013; Meyer et al., 2014; Meyer et al., 2017; Ozaltun and Rabin, 2017; Medvedev et al., 2018). The fission product induced swelling generates high stresses within both the fuel and the cladding, leading to plasticity and creep. The interaction of gas bubble swelling with this induced mechanical deformation will subsequently affect the nature of gas bubble evolution, due to accommodation of stress. On the other hand, since the gas bubbles have different thermo-mechanical properties from UMo matrix, the evolution of gas bubbles impacts the thermo-mechanical properties of the entire fuel system. Therefore, to predict the fuel performance including mechanical integrity, geometric stability, and stable irradiation behavior, it is crucial to validate the correlation among deformation, gas bubble evolution, and material properties, and develop physics-based constitutive equations of swelling, elastic-plastic deformation, and creep.
FIGURE 1. Experimental results reproduced from references (Kim et al., 2013; Meyer et al., 2017). (A) UMo fuel meat thickness change vs. fission density (Meyer et al., 2017), (B) profile of radiated UMo fuel meat, and (C) evolution of recrystallized grains and gas bubbles in UMo fuel meat (Kim et al., 2013).
The existing constitutive models for swelling, elastic-plastic deformation, and creep utilized in monolithic UMo fuel performance modeling (Miller et al., 2010; Ozaltun and Rabin, 2017; Medvedev et al., 2018; Yan et al., 2019) are empirical and developed primarily by fitting experimental data (Burkes et al., 2010; Burkes and Wachs, 2010; Kim et al., 2013) and secondarily to fit the results of finite element analyses. The mechanisms of deformations such as plastic and creep deformation and the coupling of gas bubble structure, stress, and property evolution are not sufficiently considered, which limits the predictive capability of the existing models.
In the absence of irradiation damage, a number of microstructure-dependent plastic and creep deformation models have been developed (Deutchman et al., 2012; Cottura et al., 2016; Wu and Sandfeld, 2017; Yang et al., 2018). A homogenized crystal plasticity FEM Model (Deutchman et al., 2012), which uses crystal plasticity parameters (such as activation energy, passing stress and activation volume) provided by a dislocation-density based crystal plasticity modeling, was developed to study the effect of various microstructures (precipitate shape and volume fraction, and channel width) on plastic deformation in Ni based superalloys. An empirical constitutive model-based phase-field model (Tsukada et al., 2011), which uses the von Mises yield criterion for plastic deformation and a simple creep evolution equation, was developed to study the evolution of microstructure and inelastic (plastic and creep) deformation during high temperature creep in nickel-based superalloys. Yang et al. (2018) developed a phase-field model combining a simple creep damage model (Vladimirov et al., 2009) and a dislocation dynamics model (Wu and Sandfeld, 2017) for studying the evolution of
Phase-Field Model of Gas Bubble Evolution in Polycrystalline UMo Under Elastic-Plastic Deformation
We consider gas bubble evolution in a representative volume of polycrystalline UMo in monolithic UMo fuels as shown in Figure 2. The axes
FIGURE 2. Illustration of polycrystalline UMo with distributed gas bubbles, where F is the applied force.
A phase-field model of grain growth (Chen, 2002) is used to generate polycrystalline structures. The grain boundaries are defined by a shape function
In UMo fuels, 235U fission generates high-energy neutrons and fission fragments that cause radiation damage. A cluster dynamics model (Mansur, 1994; Kohnert and Wirth, 2015; Brimbal et al., 2016; Kohnert et al., 2018) is used to describe the evolution of vacancies, interstitials, and their clusters in polycrystalline structures with distributed gas bubbles. The generation of gas atoms, vacancies, and interstitials are calculated with the fission product yields and the kinetic energy distribution of the fission products. Grain boundaries, gas bubbles, and dislocations are treated as sink and emission sites of defects. The description of the cluster dynamics model of defect evolution is given in (Hu et al., 2020). In this work, we focused on the static or dynamic interaction between elastic-plastic deformation and gas bubbles. For simplicity, we assumed that interstitial concentration is low and fission gas Xe atoms occupy the vacancy or vacancy cluster sites. For a given Xe concentration, the vacancy concentration affects thermodynamic and kinetic properties such as lattice mismatch and diffusivity. So only Xe concentration
The KKS model (Kim et al., 1999) is used to describe the gas bubble evolution in polycrystalline UMo. The total free energy
where V is the material volume of the simulation cell,
For simplicity, the free-energy densities are approximated as quadratic functions of concentrations:
The KKS model assumes that 1) at any material point the chemical potentials of the matrix and gas bubble phases are the same; and 2) Xe concentration is conserved. These two assumptions are described as:
From Eqs 6, 7, we obtain a single solution of
The temporal evolution of the field variables are given by Allen-Cahn (Cahn and Allen, 1977) and Cahn-Hilliard (Cahn, 1961) equations:
There are three unknown model parameters in the evolution Eqs 8, 9, i.e.,
Elastic-Plastic Deformation Under Crystal Plasticity Framework
With the assumption of small deformation, the deformation energy density can be calculated by:
The elastic strain is expressed as
According to crystal plasticity theory, the plastic strain rate at the point
We use
Assuming that gas bubble phase has isotropic elastic constants
To calculate deformation energy density in Eq. 12, we need to solve the shear strain rate
Here we summarize the method as follows. At time
The Euler implicit time discretization scheme is used to solve the solution of Eq. 21. The expression, in small strains, of the stress tensor at material point r at
and associated boundary conditions.
For known plastic deformation strain
Step 1. Seek solutions of
by removing the superscript
The strains,
We use iteration and FFT to solve Eqs 25, 27 and let the obtained stresses and displacements satisfy the given boundary condition. The boundary condition is satisfied in the concept of average values. For example,
(1) For a polycrystal under uniaxial tensile stress along the x1-axis with a strain rate of
(2) For a polycrystal under a constant pressure stress
Step 2. To get the final solutions of
where the superscript l denotes the l-th iteration step. The iteration is stopped when
For materials with strength hardening,
Through Steps 1 and 2,
Material Properties of UMo
The thermal and mechanical properties of UMo that depend on temperature and neutron fluence (Medvedev et al., 2018) have been assessed by experiments (Farrell and King, 1979; Polkinghorne and Lacy, 1991; Kaufman, 1999; Farrell; Meyer et al., 2016). The temperature dependence of Young’s modulus
where T is the temperature (K).
The Poisson’s ratio was adapted from (Burkes et al., 2010) and it is constant 0.324. The temperature dependence of yield strength
Since we do not have the yield stress of single crystal UMo, Eq. 32 is used to estimate the critical resolved stress in the crystal plasticity model. Formation energy and migration energy of Xe are calculated by atomistic simulations (Smirnova et al., 2012; Smirnova et al., 2013; Smirnova et al., 2015).
Both experiments and atomistic simulations show that gamma UMo has isotropic elastic properties. Thus, two of the three elastic moduli, i.e., Young’s modulus
TABLE 1. Model parameters of crystal plasticity and phase-field model of gas bubble evolution for UMo crystals.
Figure 2 illustrates the simulation cell with dimensions of
Effect of Gas Bubble Structures on Mechanical Properties
Three gas bubble structures with gas bubble volume fractions
Stress Field Around Pressured Gas Bubbles
In the elastic-plastic deformation model, the iteration approach (Hu and Chen, 2001) is used to solve the mechanical equilibrium equations and the stress field in an elastic inhomogeneous material with a distribution of stress-free strains as described in Eq. 15. The stress field around gas bubbles with average radius of 50 nm and different internal pressures (
FIGURE 3. Pressure
Effect of Gas Bubble Structures on Stress-Strain Curves
Gas bubble structures with different volume fractions
FIGURE 4. Effect of gas bubble volume fraction and internal pressure on stress strain curves. Results shown are for gas bubbles with a pressure of (A)
Comparing the results in Figure 4, we can conclude that 1) for all the cases the effective Young’s modulus, which is the slope at the linear part of the stress-strain curves, decreases with the increase of gas bubble volume fraction. This is expected because the gas phase has a lower Young’s modulus than that of the matrix UMo phase. 2) The Young’s modulus depends on both gas bubble structure (gas bubble volume fraction and internal pressure) and applied stress (tensile or compress). 3) the yield stress decreases with the increase of gas bubble volume fraction. The yield stress has a similar dependence on gas bubble structure and applied stress as that of the Young’s modulus; and 4) the hardening coefficient increases with the increase of gas bubble volume fraction, especially for gas bubbles with higher internal pressures, which is indicated by the slop of stress-strain curves in the plastic deformation stage.
The strain hardening is determined by the plastic strain rate. The distributions of plastic strain
FIGURE 5. Distributions of plastic strain
FIGURE 6. Distribution of shear stress
For a given gas bubble structure, the average pressures
FIGURE 7. Average pressure vs applied strain in matrix and inside gas bubbles in UMo with gas bubbles, (A) for gas bubbles with initial internal pressure 0.07 GPa, and (B) for gas bubbles with initial internal pressure 1.2 GPa.
Effect of Elastic-Plastic Deformation on Gas Bubble Evolution
The gas bubble evolution model presented in Section Phase-Field Model of Gas Bubble Evolution in Polycrystalline UMo Under Elastic-Plastic Deformation requires thermodynamic and kinetic properties including diffusivities and the equilibrium concentration of Xe in the matrix and inside gas bubbles. We describe the diffusivity and equilibrium concentration as a function of average pressure in the matrix and inside gas bubbles. In principle, these thermodynamic and kinetic properties can be obtained from atomic simulations (Valikova and Nazarov, 2008; Sueoka et al., 2012). For instance, the equation of state of Xe gas phase can be used to determine the correlation between the equilibrium Xe concentration and pressure inside gas bubbles. The pressure dependent formation energy of Xe in the matrix can be used to develop the chemical free energy of Xe in the matrix phase, and the pressure dependent migration energy can be used to assess the correlation between Xe diffusivity and pressure. Since we don’t have the data for UMo, a linear correlation of the thermodynamic and kinetic properties in terms of pressure near the equilibrium state are used to validate the effect of elastic-plastic deformation on gas bubbles.
In the simulations, an initial Xe concentration of 0.005 and distributed gas bubbles with a volume fraction 3.5% and initial pressure 2.1 GPa are introduced into polycrystalline UMo. The stress-free strain,
The simulations are carried out in three steps: 1) apply a strain rate,
FIGURE 8. Gas bubble structures at time
FIGURE 9. Effect of local stress state and thermodynamic and kinetic properties of defects on gas bubble evolution.
Figure 10 shows the Xe concentration distribution on the center plane S at time
FIGURE 10. Xe concentration distribution on the center plane S at time
In this work we developed a phase-field model of gas bubble evolution in polycrystalline UMo under elastic-plastic deformation. Plastic strain rate-based crystal plasticity is employed to describe the elastic-plastic deformation. The effect of local pressure on the thermodynamic and kinetic properties of Xe is taken into account. With the developed model, we simulated the effect of gas bubble structures (different volume fraction and internal pressure) on stress-strain curves and the effect of local stress fields on gas bubble evolution. The results show that 1) the effective Young’s modulus decreases with the increase of gas bubble volume fraction; 2) the yield stress decreases with the increase of gas bubble volume fraction; 3) the hardening coefficient increases with the increase of gas bubble volume fraction, especially for gas bubbles with higher internal pressure; 4) a tensile stress state leads to gas bubble growth while a compressive stress states causes a slight shrink of gas bubbles; 5) a vacancy rich environment promotes gas bubble growth under a tensile stress state while preventing gas bubble shrinkage under a compressive stress state; and 6) an inhomogeneous stress field around the gas bubble results in an inhomogeneous plastic deformation, pressure, and non-uniform equilibrium concentration, hence, an irregular gas bubble shape. The results demonstrate that the developed model is capable of studying the effect of gas bubble structures on mechanical properties and studying the dynamic interaction between elastic-plastic deformation and evolving gas bubbles. However, additional thermodynamic and kinetic properties, such as the effect of pressure on chemical free energy and mobility of Xe in matrix and gas phases, are required for more quantitative simulations. The model also needs to be extended to take radiation defect accumulation and potential creep deformation into account.
Data Availability Statement
The original contributions presented in the study are included in the article/Supplementary Material, further inquiries can be directed to the corresponding author.
Author Contributions
SH: model and code development, simulation, visualization, and writing-original draft and editing. BB: conceptualization, writing-review and editing.
This work was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, National Nuclear Security Administration Office of Material Management and Minimization, under DE-AC07–05ID14517. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory is a multiprogram national laboratory operated by Battelle Memorial Institute for the U.S. Department of Energy under DE-AC05–76RL01830. Computations were performed on the Constance cluster at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.
Conflict of Interest
The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.
Supplementary Material
The Supplementary Material for this article can be found online at: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fmats.2021.682667/full#supplementary-material.
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Keywords: gas bubble, UMo fuel, mechanical property, elastic-plastic deformation, phase-field model
Citation: Hu S and Beeler B (2021) Gas Bubble Evolution in Polycrystalline UMo Fuels Under Elastic-Plastic Deformation: A Phase-Field Model With Crystal-Plasticity. Front. Mater. 8:682667. doi: 10.3389/fmats.2021.682667
Received: 18 March 2021; Accepted: 04 May 2021;
Published: 07 June 2021.
Edited by:
Shiyu Du, Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology & Engineering (CAS), ChinaReviewed by:
Yaolin Guo, Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology & Engineering (CAS), ChinaShurong Ding, Fudan University, China
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*Correspondence: Shenyang Hu, c2hlbnlhbmcuaHVAcG5ubC5nb3Y=