AUTHOR=Alriyami Zainab , Montoya Joseph P. TITLE=Biomass and stable carbon isotope distributions in the Amazon plume region JOURNAL=Frontiers in Marine Science VOLUME=11 YEAR=2024 URL= DOI=10.3389/fmars.2024.1484825 ISSN=2296-7745 ABSTRACT=
We investigated the distribution, C:N elemental ratio, and δ¹³C of suspended particulate carbon in the surface and upper 100 m of the water column during three seasons in areas of the Western Tropical North Atlantic influenced by the Amazon River Plume: the Spring high flow period (KN197 Cruise, May-June), the late Summer period of reduced flow (AT2104 cruise, July), and the low flow period in the Fall (MV1110 cruise, Sept-Oct). We used a habitat delineation method to examine spatial and temporal variability in our biogeochemical parameters. We found the highest biomass concentration ([PC]=259.7 µM), high C:N ratio (13.6), and the most negative δ¹³C (-26.8 ‰) in the area proximate to the river mouth during the late summer cruise. We measured elevated [PC] (64.5 µM), C:N ratios (14.1), and δ¹³C (max -15.7 ‰) in the plume core habitats during the peak flow season, reflecting the impact of both the outflow and