AUTHOR=Jacquemot Loïc , Tremblay Jean-Éric , Morency Carlee , Lovejoy Connie TITLE=Stratification and summer protist communities in the Arctic influenced coastal systems of Nunavik (Québec, Canada) JOURNAL=Frontiers in Marine Science VOLUME=11 YEAR=2024 URL= DOI=10.3389/fmars.2024.1321604 ISSN=2296-7745 ABSTRACT=
Phytoplankton and other protists in the 3 µm to 50 µm size fraction are grazed on by zooplankton and form the base of Arctic marine food webs essential for local indigenous communities. Anthropogenic climate change is increasing stratification over much of the Arctic Ocean and surrounding seas, but the influence of stratification on protist communities in more coastal regions along Eastern Hudson Bay, Hudson Strait and Ungava Bay is little known. We used 18S rRNA and rDNA amplicon sequencing during two consecutive summers (2017 and 2018) and detailed water column properties to compare the 3 µm to 50 µm protist communities under contrasting stratification regimes in the Eastern Hudson Bay Complex. We found that the surface mixed layer in Eastern Hudson Bay, which is under the influence of river runoff, was strongly stratified and dominated by mixotrophic and bacterivorous taxa, mostly the dinoflagellates