AUTHOR=Piracha Aqeel , Olmedo Estrella , Turiel Antonio , Portabella Marcos , González-Haro Cristina TITLE=Using satellite observations of ocean variables to improve estimates of water mass (trans)formation JOURNAL=Frontiers in Marine Science VOLUME=10 YEAR=2023 URL= DOI=10.3389/fmars.2023.1020153 ISSN=2296-7745 ABSTRACT=

For the first time, an accurate and complete picture of Mixed Layer (ML) water mass dynamics can be inferred at high spatio-temporal resolution via the material derivative derived from Sea Surface Salinity/Temperature (SSS/T) and Currents (SSC). The product between this satellite derived material derivative and in-situ derived Mixed Layer Depth (MLD) provides a satellite based kinematic approach to the water mass (trans)formation framework (WMT/F) above ML. We compare this approach to the standard thermodynamic approach based on air-sea fluxes provided by satellites, an ocean state estimate and in-situ observations. Southern Hemisphere surface density flux and water mass (trans)formation framework (WMT/F) were analysed in geographic and potential density space for the year 2014. Surface density flux differences between the satellite derived thermodynamic and kinematic approaches and ECCO (an ocean state estimate) underline: 1) air-sea heat fluxes dominate variability in the thermodynamic approach; and 2) fine scale structures from the satellite derived kinematic approach are most likely geophysical and not artefacts from noise in SSS/T or SSC—as suggested by a series of smoothing experiments. Additionally, ECCO revealed surface density flux integrated over ML are positively biased as compared to similar estimates assuming that surface conditions are homogeneous over ML—in part owing to the e-folding nature of shortwave solar radiation. Major differences between the satellite derived kinematic and thermodynamic approaches are associated to: 1) lateral mixing and mesoscale dynamics in the kinematic framework; 2) vertical excursions of, and vertical velocities through the ML base; and 3) interactions between ML horizontal velocities and ML base spatial gradients.