AUTHOR=Jiang Yan , Lin Bai-an , He Hao-yang , Ding Guang-mao , Yan Li-ting , Zhang Ge , Liu Min , Zheng Lian-ming
TITLE=Species Composition and Assemblages of Ichthyoplankton in Sansha Bay, Fujian Province, China
JOURNAL=Frontiers in Marine Science
Sansha Bay (26.40−27.00°N, 119.50−120.20°E) is a typical semi-enclosed bay, located in northern Fujian Province, China, and adjacent to the East China Sea. The ichthyoplankton species composition and assemblage structure were investigated based on monthly sampling at 25 stations in April−September 2019, covering the important spring and summer spawning seasons in the region. Sampling was conducted in the first 3−5 days of the full moon or new moon phases using a standard plankton net through horizontal and vertical tows during daytime. In total, 25,819 ichthyoplankton samples were collected, of which 25,449 samples (i.e., 24,757 eggs and 692 larvae) were from horizontal tows. For horizontal tow samples, the ichthyoplankton were classified into 58 taxa in 15 orders and 23 families with a combination of external morphology and DNA barcoding analyses, from pelagic to demersal and benthic species. The dominant order was the Gobiiformes, including 23 species (39.7% of all species). The dominant taxa, in terms of relative abundance and frequency of occurrence, consisted of commercially important fishes, such as Setipinna tenuifilis (Valenciennes, 1848) (Engraulidae), Epinephelus akaara (Temminck and Schlegel, 1842) (Serraenidae), Collichthys lucidus (Richardson, 1844), Nibea albiflora (Richardson, 1846) (Sciaenidae), Acanthopagrus schlegelii (Bleeker, 1854), and Pagrus major (Temminck and Schlegel, 1843) (Sparidae), accounting for 78.9% of the horizontal tow samples. Low-valued and small-sized fishes, such as Stolephorus commersonnii Lacepède, 1803 (Engraulidae), Solea ovata Richardson, 1846 (Soleidae), Nuchequula nuchalis (Temminck and Schlegel, 1845), and Photopectoralis bindus (Valenciennes, 1835) (Leiognathidae), were also dominant species, accounting for 11.4% of the horizontal tow samples. The ichthyoplankton assemblage was categorized into five different temporal assemblages based on the cluster and nonmetric multidimensional scaling analysis, namely, April, May, June, July, and August−September (ANOSIM, Global R = 0.656, p < 0.01) with the highest density and richness of ichthyoplankton occurred in May. The spatial distribution pattern showed that the high density (ind./m3) of ichthyoplankton occurred mainly in S12–S25 in Guanjingyang and along the Dongchong Peninsula coastline into Dongwuyang, while low density occurred mainly in S01–S11 in the northwest waters of Sandu Island (ANOVA, F = 8.270, p < 0.05). Temperature, salinity, and chlorophyll a were key factors structuring the ichthyoplankton assemblages in Sansha Bay. In addition, this study revealed the changes of the ichthyoplankton composition, density, and spatial distribution in Sansha Bay over the past three decades.