Temperature fluctuations are important for the distribution and survival of insects. Rapid hardening, a type of phenotypic plasticity, is an adaptation that can help individuals better tolerate lethal temperatures because of earlier exposure to a sublethal but stressful temperature. Nutrition and sex are also known to influence a species ability to tolerate thermal stress. This study determined the effects of larval diet, adult diet, sex and hardening on the thermal tolerance of
Larvae were raised on either an 8% torula yeast (high) or a 1% torula yeast (low) larval diet and then introduced to one of three dietary regimes as adults for thermal tolerance and hardening assays: no adult diet, sugar only, or sugar and hydrolysed yeast diet. Flies of known weight were then either heat- or cold-hardened for 2 hours before being exposed to a potentially lethal high or low temperature, respectively.
Both nutrition and hardening as well as their interaction affected
The ability of the insect to both compensate for a low protein larval diet and undergo rapid cold hardening after a brief exposure to sublethal cold temperatures even when both the larva and the subsequent adult fed on low protein diets indicates that