The Portuguese donor Registry of CEDACE was the fifth largest
We described and compared characteristics of the donor population with census data and used an Expectation-Maximization algorithm and analyses of molecular variance to assess haplotype frequencies and establish phylogenetic distances between regions and districts within the country.
We identified 396545 donors, corresponding to 3.85% of the Portuguese population; the median donor age was 39 years, with 60.4% of female donors. Most donors were Portuguese nationals, although 40 other nationalities were present, with a significant proportion of donors from Brazil and Portuguese-speaking African Countries; almost all donors self-reported as Western, with the second largest group reporting African ancestry. There was an asymmetric contribution of donors from different districts and regions, with most coming from coastal districts and few from the southern districts and autonomous regions; foreign and self-declared non-Western donors were mainly located in the Metropolitan Area of Lisbon and the South. Although most donors were typed in three
Our analysis showed potential paths to optimization of the Registry, including increasing the male donor pool and focusing on underrepresented districts and particular populations of interest, such as donors from Portuguese-speaking African countries.