While prior research has shown differences in the risk of malaria infection and sickness between males and females, little is known about sex differences in vaccine-induced immunity to malaria. Identifying such differences could elucidate important aspects of malaria biology and facilitate development of improved approaches to malaria vaccination.
Using a standardized enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, IgG antibodies to the major surface protein on
Females ≥ 11 years of age made significantly higher levels of antibodies to PfCSP than did males in most trials, while there was no indication of such differences in infants or children. Although adult females had higher levels of antibodies, there was no evidence of improved protection compared to males. In 2 of the 7 trials with sufficient data, protected males had significantly higher levels of antibodies than unprotected males, and in 3 other trials protected females had higher levels of antibodies than did unprotected females.
Immunization with PfSPZ Vaccine induced higher levels of antibodies in post-pubertal females but showed equivalent protection in males and females. We conclude that the increased antibody levels in post-pubertal females did not contribute substantially to improved protection. We hypothesize that while antibodies to PfCSP (and PfSPZ) may potentially contribute directly to protection, they primarily correlate with other, potentially protective immune mechanisms, such as antibody dependent and antibody independent cellular responses in the liver.