AUTHOR=Canté-Barrett Kirsten , Mendes Rui D. , Li Yunlei , Vroegindeweij Eric , Pike-Overzet Karin , Wabeke Tamara , Langerak Anton W. , Pieters Rob , Staal Frank J. T. , Meijerink Jules P. P. TITLE=Loss of CD44dim Expression from Early Progenitor Cells Marks T-Cell Lineage Commitment in the Human Thymus JOURNAL=Frontiers in Immunology VOLUME=8 YEAR=2017 URL= DOI=10.3389/fimmu.2017.00032 ISSN=1664-3224 ABSTRACT=

Human T-cell development is less well studied than its murine counterpart due to the lack of genetic tools and the difficulty of obtaining cells and tissues. Here, we report the transcriptional landscape of 11 immature, consecutive human T-cell developmental stages. The changes in gene expression of cultured stem cells on OP9-DL1 match those of ex vivo isolated murine and human thymocytes. These analyses led us to define evolutionary conserved gene signatures that represent pre- and post-αβ T-cell commitment stages. We found that loss of dim expression of CD44 marks human T-cell commitment in early CD7+CD5+CD45dim cells, before the acquisition of CD1a surface expression. The CD44CD1a post-committed thymocytes have initiated in frame T-cell receptor rearrangements that are accompanied by loss of capacity to differentiate toward myeloid, B- and NK-lineages, unlike uncommitted CD44dimCD1a thymocytes. Therefore, loss of CD44 represents a previously unrecognized human thymocyte stage that defines the earliest committed T-cell population in the thymus.