AUTHOR=Konrad Janusz , Cokbas Mertcan , Tezcan M. Ozan , Ishwar Prakash TITLE=Overhead fisheye cameras for indoor monitoring: challenges and recent progress JOURNAL=Frontiers in Imaging VOLUME=3 YEAR=2024 URL= DOI=10.3389/fimag.2024.1387543 ISSN=2813-3315 ABSTRACT=

Monitoring the number of people in various spaces of a building is important for optimizing space usage, assisting with public safety, and saving energy. Diverse approaches have been developed for different end goals, from ID card readers for space management, to surveillance cameras for security, to CO2 sensing for HVAC control. In the last few years, fisheye cameras mounted overhead have become the sensing modality of choice because they offer large-area coverage and significantly-reduced occlusions but research efforts are still nascent. In this paper, we provide an overview of recent research efforts in this area and propose one new direction. First, we identify benefits and challenges related to inference from top-view fisheye images, and summarize key public datasets. Then, we review efforts in algorithm development for detecting people from a single fisheye frame and from a group of sequential frames. Finally, we focus on counting people indoors. While this is straightforward for a single camera, when multiple cameras are used to monitor a space, person re-identification is needed to avoid overcounting. We describe a framework for people counting using two cameras and demonstrate its effectiveness in a large classroom for location-based person re-identification. To support people counting in even larger spaces, we propose two new person re-identification algorithms using N > 2 overhead fisheye cameras. We provide ample experimental results throughout the paper.