AUTHOR=Anobile Giovanni , Bartoli Mariaelisa , Masi Gabriele , Tacchi Annalisa , Tinelli Francesca TITLE=Math difficulties in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder do not originate from the visual number sense JOURNAL=Frontiers in Human Neuroscience VOLUME=16 YEAR=2022 URL= DOI=10.3389/fnhum.2022.949391 ISSN=1662-5161 ABSTRACT=
There is ample evidence from literature and clinical practice indicating mathematical difficulties in individuals with ADHD, even when there is no concomitant diagnosis of developmental dyscalculia. What factors underlie these difficulties is still an open question. Research on dyscalculia and neurotypical development suggests visual perception of numerosity (the number sense) as a building block for math learning. Participants with lower numerosity estimation thresholds (higher precision) are often those with higher math capabilities. Strangely, the role of numerosity perception in math skills in ADHD has been neglected, leaving open the question whether math difficulties in ADHD also originate from a deficitary visual number sense. In the current study we psychophysically measured numerosity thresholds and accuracy in a sample of children/adolescents with ADHD, but not concomitant dyscalculia (