AUTHOR=Cieri Filippo TITLE=Memory for the Future: Psychodynamic Approach to Time and Self Through the Default Network JOURNAL=Frontiers in Human Neuroscience VOLUME=16 YEAR=2022 URL= DOI=10.3389/fnhum.2022.885315 ISSN=1662-5161 ABSTRACT=
Time exists in us, and our self exists in time. Our self is affected and shaped by time to the point that a better understanding of the former can aid the understanding of the latter. Psychoanalysis works through self and time, where the self is composed of the biopsychosocial history (the past) of the individual and able to map a trajectory for the future. The psychoanalytic relationship starts from a “measurement”: an active process able to alter the system being measured—the self—continuously built over time. This manuscript, starts from the philosophical and scientific tradition of a proximity between time and self, suggesting a neural overlapping at the Default Network. A historical and scientific background will be introduced, proposing a multidisciplinary dimension that has characterized the birth of psychoanalysis (its past), influencing its present and future in the dialogue with physics and neuroscience. After a historical scientific introduction, a neural