AUTHOR=Chen Xi , Jin Jing-Na , Xiang Fang , Liu Zhi-Peng , Yin Tao TITLE=Frontal Eye Field Involvement in Color and Motion Feature-Based Attention: Single-Pulse Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation JOURNAL=Frontiers in Human Neuroscience VOLUME=12 YEAR=2018 URL= DOI=10.3389/fnhum.2018.00390 ISSN=1662-5161 ABSTRACT=

An object can have multiple attributes, and visual feature-based attention (FBA) is the process of focusing on a specific one of them. During visual FBA, the frontal eye field (FEF) is considered to be an important brain area related to the choice of attribute. However, the study of the FEF in FBA remains inadequate. We applied single-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) to the right FEF (rFEF), and designed two independent experimental FBA tasks that each involved two attributes (color and motion), to explore the action time of FEF and the spatial transmission of the FEF signal, respectively. The results of the first experiment showed that when TMS was applied to the rFEF at 100 ms after the target image stimulus began, the subjects’ response time increased significantly compared with the response time in the control trials (in which TMS was applied to the vertex). This indicated that inhibiting the rFEF influenced the progress of visual FBA. The results confirm that the FEF is involved in the early stage of visual attention (at ~100 ms). In the second experiment, TMS was applied at 100 ms after the target image stimulus began. We analyzed the electroencephalogram (EEG) signal after TMS, and found that the electrode signal amplitudes for FC4 (which corresponded to the rFEF) were significantly correlated with the electrode signal amplitudes in the posterior regions. In addition, the amplitude rise of the posterior electrode signal lagged ~50 ms behind that of the FC4. Furthermore, for color and motion, different areas in the posterior brain region were involved in signal transmission. In this study, the application of single-pulse TMS was shown to provide a direct and effective method for research on the FEF, and the combination of TMS and EEG recordings allows a high degree of time resolution, which can provide powerful evidence for research on neural signal transmission.