AUTHOR=DeRoche Christina , Hooykaas Amanda , Ou Christine , Charlebois Jaime , King Krista TITLE=Examining the gaps in perinatal mental health care: A qualitative study of the perceptions of perinatal service providers in Canada JOURNAL=Frontiers in Global Women's Health VOLUME=4 YEAR=2023 URL= DOI=10.3389/fgwh.2023.1027409 ISSN=2673-5059 ABSTRACT=
In Canada, access to perinatal mental health services is disparate across districts, regions, provinces, and territories. Questions remain as to how gaps in service are being experienced by Canadian service providers and clinicians. This paper examines three key questions: 1) What are the experiences of care providers with respect to the screening, identifying, and managing perinatal mental health disorders? 2) What gaps in perinatal mental health care have been identified? and 3) What approaches have been taken by providers, communities, and regions in addressing the needs of their populations? To address these questions, 435 participants from across Canada were surveyed using an online survey constructed by the research members of the CPMHC. A qualitative analysis of the data revealed three key themes: groups marginalized by the current perinatal mental health system, gaps and supports identified by communities; and systemic and policy issues. From these three themes we have identified the key components of changes required in the national approach to perinatal mental health disorders. We identify key resources that could be utilized to create policy change and provide recommendations for change.