Autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa type 17 (adRP, type RP17) is caused by complex structural variants (SVs) affecting a locus on chromosome 17 (chr17q22). The SVs disrupt the 3D regulatory landscape by altering the topologically associating domain (TAD) structure of the locus, creating novel TAD structures (neo-TADs) and ectopic enhancer-gene contacts. Currently, screening for RP17-associated SVs is not included in routine diagnostics given the complexity of the variants and a lack of cost-effective detection methods. The aim of this study was to accurately detect novel RP17-SVs by establishing a systematic and efficient workflow.
Genetically unexplained probands diagnosed with adRP (n = 509) from an international cohort were screened using a smMIPs or genomic qPCR-based approach tailored for the RP17 locus. Suspected copy number changes were validated using high-density SNP-array genotyping, and SV breakpoint characterization was performed by mutation-specific breakpoint PCR, genome sequencing and, if required, optical genome mapping.
Using this workflow, potential RP17-SVs were detected in eight probands of which seven were confirmed. Two novel SVs were identified that are predicted to cause TAD rearrangement and retinal enhancer-
In summary, we describe a validated multi-step pipeline for reliable and efficient RP17-SV discovery and expand the range of disease-associated SVs. Based on these data, RP17-SVs can be considered a frequent cause of adRP which warrants the inclusion of RP17-screening as a standard diagnostic test for this disease.