AUTHOR=Alberry Bonnie L.J. , Singh Shiva M. TITLE=Hippocampal DNA Methylation in a Mouse Model of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder That Includes Maternal Separation Stress Only Partially Explains Changes in Gene Expression JOURNAL=Frontiers in Genetics VOLUME=Volume 11 - 2020 YEAR=2020 URL= DOI=10.3389/fgene.2020.00070 ISSN=1664-8021 ABSTRACT=
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) is characterized by developmental and behavioral deficits caused by maternal drinking during pregnancy. Children born with FASD often face additional stresses, including maternal separation, that add yet additional deficits. The mechanism associated with this interaction is not known. We have used a mouse model for prenatal ethanol exposure and maternal separation to demonstrate that the combination of the two treatments results in more than additive deficits. Furthermore, the behavioral deficits are associated with changes in hippocampal gene expression that persist into adulthood. What initiates and maintains these changes remains to be established and forms the focus of this report. Specifically, MeDIP-Seq was used to assess if changes in promoter DNA methylation are affected by exposure to prenatal ethanol and maternal separation including its relationship to gene expression. The novel results show that different sets of genes implicated by promoter DNA methylation are affected by both treatments independently, and a relatively unique set of genes are affected by the combination of the two treatments. Prenatal ethanol exposure leads to altered promoter DNA methylation at genes important for transcriptional regulation. Maternal separation leads to changes at genes important for histone methylation and immune response, and the combination of two treatments results in DNA methylation changes at genes important for neuronal migration and immune response. Our dual results from the same hippocampal samples suggest there is minimal complementarity between changes in promoter DNA methylation and gene expression, although genes involved tend to be critical for brain development and function. While remaining to be validated, such results argue that mechanisms beyond promoter DNA methylation must be involved in lasting gene expression alterations leading to behavioral deficits implicated in FASD. They may facilitate early and reliable diagnosis, as well as novel strategies for the amelioration of FASD-related deficits.