AUTHOR=Zhou Qian , Su Zhencheng , Li Yangzhen , Liu Yang , Wang Lei , Lu Sheng , Wang Shuanyan , Gan Tian , Liu Feng , Zhou Xun , Wei Min , Liu Guangjian , Chen Songlin TITLE=Genome-Wide Association Mapping and Gene Expression Analyses Reveal Genetic Mechanisms of Disease Resistance Variations in Cynoglossus semilaevis JOURNAL=Frontiers in Genetics VOLUME=10 YEAR=2019 URL= DOI=10.3389/fgene.2019.01167 ISSN=1664-8021 ABSTRACT=

The sustainable development of aquaculture has been impeded by infectious diseases worldwide. However, the genomic architecture and the genetic basis underlying the disease resistance remain poorly understood, which severely hampers both the understanding of the evolution of fish disease resistance traits and the prevention of these diseases in the aquaculture community. Cynoglossus semilaevis is a representative and commercially-important flatfish species. Here we combined genome-wide association study and Fst and nucleotide diversity filtration to identify loci important for the disease resistance. Based on 1,016,774 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) identified from 650 Gb genome resequencing data of 505 individuals, we detected 33 SNPs significantly associated with disease resistance and 79 candidate regions after filtration steps. Both the allele frequencies and genotype frequencies of the associated loci were significantly different between the resistant and susceptible fish, suggesting a role in the genetic basis of disease resistance. The SNP with strongest association with disease resistance was located in Chr 17, at 145 bp upstream of fblx19 gene, and overlapped with the major quantitative trait locus previously identified. Several genes, such as plekha7, nucb2, and fgfr2, were also identified to potentially play roles in the disease resistance. Furthermore, the expression of some associating genes were likely under epigenetic regulations between the bacterial resistant and susceptible families. These results provide insights into the mechanism that enable variation of disease resistance to bacterial pathogen infection. The identified polymorphisms and genes are valuable targets and molecular resources for disease resistance and other traits, and for advanced breeding practice for superior germplasm in fish aquaculture.