AUTHOR=Marancik David , Gao Guangtu , Paneru Bam , Ma Hao , Hernandez Alvaro G. , Salem Mohamed , Yao Jianbo , Palti Yniv , Wiens Gregory D. TITLE=Whole-body transcriptome of selectively bred, resistant-, control-, and susceptible-line rainbow trout following experimental challenge with Flavobacterium psychrophilum JOURNAL=Frontiers in Genetics VOLUME=5 YEAR=2015 URL= DOI=10.3389/fgene.2014.00453 ISSN=1664-8021 ABSTRACT=
Genetic improvement for enhanced disease resistance in fish is an increasingly utilized approach to mitigate endemic infectious disease in aquaculture. In domesticated salmonid populations, large phenotypic variation in disease resistance has been identified but the genetic basis for altered responsiveness remains unclear. We previously reported three generations of selection and phenotypic validation of a bacterial cold water disease (BCWD) resistant line of rainbow trout, designated ARS-Fp-R. This line has higher survival after infection by either standardized laboratory challenge or natural challenge as compared to two reference lines, designated ARS-Fp-C (control) and ARS-Fp-S (susceptible). In this study, we utilized 1.1 g fry from the three genetic lines and performed RNA-seq to measure transcript abundance from the whole body of naive and