AUTHOR=Plagge Antonius TITLE=Non-Coding RNAs at the Gnas and Snrpn-Ube3a Imprinted Gene Loci and Their Involvement in Hereditary Disorders JOURNAL=Frontiers in Genetics VOLUME=3 YEAR=2012 URL= DOI=10.3389/fgene.2012.00264 ISSN=1664-8021 ABSTRACT=
Non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) have long been recognized at imprinted gene loci and provided early paradigms to investigate their functions and molecular mechanisms of action. The characteristic feature of imprinted genes, their monoallelic, parental-origin-dependent expression, is achieved through complex epigenetic regulation, which is modulated by ncRNAs. This minireview focuses on two imprinted gene clusters, in which changes in ncRNA expression contribute to human disorders. At the