Increasing disturbances may significantly impact the long-term protective effect of forests against natural hazards. Quantifying the temporal development of the protective effect of forests is thus crucial for finding optimal management strategies.
In this study, we analyzed the long-term recovery of the protective effect of the secondary stands of spruce (
Generally, it takes between 50 and 200 years to regain the maximum possible protective effect, depending from the site conditions and the rockfall disposition. This implies that the recovery of the protective effect after a severe disturbance may require more time than the decay of the protective effect from disturbance legacies, resulting in a long lasting gap of the provided protection.
The here presented approach can serve as a basis to estimate the general range of recovery of the protective effect of beech, fir and spruce forests against rockfall provided by forest stands. Future research should analyse the effects of environmental and forest conditions as well as varying disturbance intensities and legacies to enable the assessment of specific trajectories of the short- and long-term recovery of the protective effect.