AUTHOR=Fenetahun Yeneayehu , Yuan You , Xinwen Xu , Fentahun Tihunie , Nzabarinda Vincent , Yong-dong Wang TITLE=Impact of Grazing Intensity on Soil Properties in Teltele Rangeland, Ethiopia JOURNAL=Frontiers in Environmental Science VOLUME=9 YEAR=2021 URL= DOI=10.3389/fenvs.2021.664104 ISSN=2296-665X ABSTRACT=
Grazing intensity (GI) is a major determining factor that controls the functioning of rangelands and the overall nutrient cycle. The Teltele rangeland is used for communal grazing area by the local pastorals; however, to date, there is no documented study data about the impact of GI. The objective of this study was to evaluate the impacts of grazing intensity on selected soil properties in the Teltele rangeland, Ethiopia. Soil samples were collected from different GI sites using different elevation gradient and soil depth from both open grazing and bush-encroached grazing land sand-assessed soil properties. Grazing intensity, elevation, and soil depth significantly (