AUTHOR=Xiao Xiaobing , Li Yue , He Xiaomeng , Cai Yongxiang , Xiao Yong , Huang Boyang , Jin Xin TITLE=Optimal topology control of monitoring sensor network based on physical layer security for smart photovoltaic power system JOURNAL=Frontiers in Energy Research VOLUME=11 YEAR=2023 URL= DOI=10.3389/fenrg.2023.1124700 ISSN=2296-598X ABSTRACT=

In order to realize the intelligent management of photovoltaic power generation system, wireless sensor network (WSN) is considered as a promised solution. However, the energy of sensor nodes in WSN is limited and the security is not guaranteed. In order to prolong the service life of WSN and to improve the security of monitoring, this paper comprehensively considers the factors those affect the security and efficiency of WSN, such as transmission power, sensor association and the choice of Cluster Head (CH). Therefore, this paper proposes a joint sensor secure rate and energy efficiency optimization algorithm to obtain the optimal topology and transmission power design. Then, an effective iterative algorithm based on Block Coordinate Descent (BCD) technology is proposed to obtain the optimal solution to minimize the energy consumption of WSN and maximize the secure rate of sensor networks, thus ensuring the security and reliability of monitoring. Sensor association is modeled as a 0–1 multi-knapsack optimization problem. Different complexity methods are implemented to solve this NP-hard problem, and their performance are compared with simulations.